Diese eleganten Handschuhe aus hochwertigem Kunstleder bieten einen stilvollen Look und eine elegante Passform.
Sie sind weich und bequem zu tragen und schützen die Hände vor Kälte und Schmutz.
Perfekt für formelle Anlässe oder den täglichen Gebrauch.
Deliveries only within Germany
The items are shipped exclusively insured via DHL.
The shipping costs depend on the size and weight of the items to be shipped and are €4.99 per order. The shipping time is usually between 3 - 10 working days. Unfortunately, self-collection is not possible.

Elegante Handschuhe aus Kunstleder
Deliveries only within Germany
The items are shipped exclusively insured via DHL.
The shipping costs depend on the size and weight of the items to be shipped and are €4.99 per order. The shipping time is usually between 3 - 10 working days. Unfortunately, self-collection is not possible.