Wunderschönes, langes Damen Rüschensaumkleid.
Bequemer Schnitt und verspieltes Design machen das Kleid zum Musthave im Sommer
Läss sich vielsteig im Alltag wie Beruf, Freizeit und Events tragen
Einheitsgröße S-XL
Achsel zu Achsel - 51 cm, Länge - 110/121 cm
Deliveries only within Germany
The items are shipped exclusively insured via DHL.
The shipping costs depend on the size and weight of the items to be shipped and are €4.99 per order. The shipping time is usually between 3 - 10 working days. Unfortunately, self-collection is not possible.

Verspieltes Damen Sommerkleid mit Rüschensaum und Rüschenärmeln und Rücken V-Ausschnitt
Deliveries only within Germany
The items are shipped exclusively insured via DHL.
The shipping costs depend on the size and weight of the items to be shipped and are €4.99 per order. The shipping time is usually between 3 - 10 working days. Unfortunately, self-collection is not possible.